So I called and left my OBGYN another voicemail asking what the hell I am suppose to be doing. Well, not those words, but the emotion was conveyed because Nurse Betty called back and said the doctor wanted to see me. Today.

Dun, dun, dun.

Though I don’t remember being called to the principal’s office, I imagine this is how it feels. Oh shit. I am in trouble. I knew she was going to find out  S and I were doing it wrong and we are complete morons. I won’t lie, I was hopeful she would look at me and know immediately I was pregnant and the pee-pee tests were wrong.   Thankfully, or not, it didn’t go either way.

The good news is my Backup Doc was nice, human and comforting. The bad news is I had to do a pelvic exam (I like to mentally prepare for these things, ya know?). The good news is I don’t have some alien life form blocking my eggs. The bad news is, since I never got my period, I am back on Provera. And I did invest in a fancy pill holder to keep my life in order. As an organizing fanatic, this makes my day better.

This is our last chance before calling the fertility specialist.