Dear Mikey –

Daddy and I were so worried about finding you a good preschool where you would make friends and start your educational journey. We knew right away that the school we chose would be a good fit for you and we weren’t wrong!

It took a little bit for you to share your day, but now you come home and share things about your day like what you learned (T-Rex dinosaurs eat meat!), what happened on the playground (someone threw sand in your eyes) and what your ‘job’ was (your current favorite is either Flag Holder or Line Leader). It has certainly made dinner time more interesting.

You’ve been there six months so Daddy and I were invited to our first PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE (dun, dun, dun). We have a pretty good relationship with your teachers so we knew there wasn’t going to be any surprises, but we liked hearing more about your day and interests. Here are the highlights of you at 3 and a half from your teacher:

You are a genuinely good kid who wants to do well. You never do anything out of malice – which makes Momma’s heart happy.

You love reading and often will bring a book to your teacher and ask her to read it. Most of the time she can, but when she can’t you happily read it to yourself or with your best friend, B.

You have a growing interest in science like your Daddy. You are very focused on the details, so that makes sense!

Speaking of details, you always seem to know when something in your classroom is different or if someone comes in. You are always the first one to welcome them with a good morning or good afternoon.

Bug, like I said, we are not surprised, but we are so proud of the kid you are becoming.

I’ll eat you up, I love you so,

Momma xoxo