My Crazy Mikester –

I can’t believe how fast the summer flew, and then September went in a blink of an eye! It was a busy month for you kiddo, but it was full of lots of fun. You are becoming more and more active and more and more opinionated every day. I LOVE seeing your personality shine, sometimes I think you are trying to make us laugh on purpose – like when we look up and when you catch our eye you give a huge, cheesy grin.

You are pretty much RUNNING everywhere and delivering things you find to us. This includes pens, electronics, bottles, remotes and yes, sharp objects we didn’t know were in reach. You are more giving with your hugs and kisses and point to what you want. Daddy and I are pretty sure you want to talk, and think that you are, but we just aren’t understanding.



{Birthday Season} September is birthday season for our family since Daddy and Grandma have the same birthday. This year you got Dad an iPad cover with pictures on it and a card you ‘signed’ yourself. We had cake and Bubbe came to visit. We also went out to dinner where you quickly charmed all the waitresses.

{Burkefest} We went to Burkefest this year and it was WAY more fun now that you are a toddler. We had lunch and then you played in the tot lot. It was really neat to see you run off and play independently and interact, in only the way a toddler can, with the other kids. We really love these family moments.

{Harvest Festival} For Grandma’s birthday we ended up going to Harvest Festival. Mommy used to go to this fundraiser when she was little and it was cool to see how it evolved and have you enjoy it as well. While you wanted nothing to do with the sweet treats (which made us question your genes), the highlight of the event was the awesome playground. You and Mollie ran around like crazy kids taking different paths, going down and up slides and exploring.

{Favorite ‘Game’} Your current favorite game gives everyone belly laughs. After bath time we sit on the bed and ever so gently tap you. Then you flop on the bed as if Floyd Mayweather hit you. Sometimes we just point our finger and you flop over laughing. We don’t know where this game started, but it’s hilarious and wears you out in no time.

{Food} You my son are a chow hound. You especially like what other people are eating. You really like hot dogs, peaches, yogurt, ice cream and anything pasta related. It surprises me how happy you are with veggies like broccoli and carrots since I am not a vegetable fan myself.

{Charlie} You and Charlie are becoming quite a pair. I describe it as you being a needy friend following Charlie around squeeking his toy crying ‘why don’t you love meeeeeeee’. But more often than not Charlie lays down in your room while you are falling asleep and gets very excited when you come home. You guys are going to be the best of friends soon – I know it!

Well my sweet boy, another month is here and I have a hunch it is going to be a fun one.

I’ll eat you up I love you,

Momma xoxo