Category: Diaper Drive

Find Cheap Diapers (and then donate them!)

In just one short day we will be officially launching the 4th Annual 12 For 1 Diaper Drive! I can’t believe it’s been 4 years and 30,000 diapers since this whole concept started. The good news is in those 4 years there has been an interest in the diaper gap thanks to Obama addressing this as well as celebs such as Kerry Washington and Jen Garner taking it up as one of their causes. But even cooler is how the 12 For 1 has collected about 30,000 diapers to help close the diaper gap on Delmarva.

Since we relieve a lot of our donations through monetary donations (donate here) I work very hard to stretch those dollars into the most amount of diapers for the least amount of money. I have been so surprised with where I find diapers! Whether you are trying to stretch your dollar for your family or to donate to needy families, here are some places to look for cheap diapers:

{Consignment Shop or Thrift Store} Our local consignment shop takes closed diaper packs and sells them for a fraction of the price and I have picked up open diaper packs at our local Goodwill. It’s obviously a crap shoot if they have any, but next time you are browsing the used books or baby clothes ask if they have any diapers!

{Marshalls/TJMaxx} Last year I hit the jackpot at Marshalls. It seems like Marshalls regularly carries Naty and Seventh Generation brand diapers.

{Zulily} Are you a member of Zulily yet? I love their deals, and they are known to have ‘shops’ for Naty and Huggies diapers. The key is to sign up for alerts and make your purchase quick – they go super fast!

{ANY Sale Shelf} I often wonder how frequently diaper companies change their branding because when they make a small change, the current product has to go on discount. I’ve found diapers on sale shelves in grocery stores, big box stores (hello Walmart!) and kid specific stores like Toys R Us.

{Facebook Marketplace} When I did a quick check of the Facebook Marketplace (which is an aggregate of all the yard sale groups you belong to) and within a 19 mile radius of my suburban home there are OVER 30 listings for diapers. If the thrill of the hunt is your thing, start there.

{Amazon Warehouse} Amazon is a given when it comes to buying diapers (and books and fire extinguishers and dog food and lemonade and …). But did you know you can buy open boxes of diapers for a discount? Just search in the Amazon Warehouse. No one who needs diapers cares if the box is a little banged up.

So now that you have some new diaper shopping tips, why don’t you pick up a few packs (open or otherwise) for the 12 For 1 Diaper Drive? Here’s how you can donate.

3rd Annual Diaper Drive

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My dear friends – it’s almost that time again! I can’t believe we are just a week away from the launch of the THIRD ANNUAL 12 For 1 Diaper Drive! I am so excited for a lot of reasons – the main one is 20,000 diapers. I know we can do it and I can’t WAIT to see what that looks like.

As I do every year, I am asking for your help and there are a LOT of ways you can be involved. Here are some FAQs from the past two years to help you help babies keep their tushies dry.

Q: What can I donate?

A: We are collecting diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream. St. Martin’s Ministries is in need of all sizes, but specifically sizes 4 and up. Brand doesn’t matter and we will happily accept open/damaged boxes or loose diapers.

Q: Where can I send or drop off donations?

A: If you want to drop off diapers you can take them to The Barry’s House in Denton, The Weisman’s House in Crofton or Choptank Transport who is generously donating the space to store donations. You can also order diapers online and have it shipped to one of those locations. Please contact me for those addresses.

Q: I don’t have time to shop. Can I send money?

A: You bet. We have the ability to get great deals with the money donated. You can send a check to me, Paypal me or simply go to 100% of donations will go towards diapers, wipes and cream.

We will also accept gift cards such as Target or Amazon.

Q: I don’t have the funds to make a donation right now. Are there other ways to help?

A: YES! Of course. The easiest way to help is to share not only information about the diaper drive, but the diaper gap in general. Share the diaper drive updates on your social media sites (use #12for1), ask your friends for any diapers they aren’t using, and cut coupons. We can also use help loading and unloading in July at the conclusion of the campaign. If none of those fit your skill set, you tell us. What are your talents?

June is not only my favorite month because it’s Mike’s birthday month, but I also eat, talk and dream about diapers. I hope you will help spread the word and get us to 20,000 diapers.


12 For 1 Launches!

The past two years has taught me quite a few things when it comes to diapers:

  • Babies need a lot of diapers and diapers are expensive.
  • WIC and other social service programs don’t cover the cost of diapers or wipes which is not only a mental health issue for parents and a health and hygiene issue for babies.
  • There are very few diaper resources in Caroline County, Maryland – my hometown. And there is no single resource for people to find or donate diapers on Delmarva.
  • If you ask for help, people will help.

This is why I am excited to FINALLY announce the launch of 12 For 1 – Diapering Delmarva! Not only will the diaper drive be hosted through the new site, but it will also be a place for people who are looking for a place to donate diapers and a place to receive diapers on DelMarVa. Organizations are listed by county and include as much information as we could find.

This site has been all consuming for the past few weeks and I couldn’t have gotten it done as quickly as I did without the help from Phyllis, Jessica W, Momma Sandi, S., and Jeny Tyler Creative.

I am still updating content and gearing up for June’s diaper drive, so I hope you will help me spread the word and share 12 For 1 with your friends and family.

human hair lace front wigs 

A Thank You

I have struggled with how to express the thankfulness in my heart for the outpouring of support for the 12 4 1 Diaper Drive. Each time I showed anxiety about ‘making it all work’, someone would come through in an amazing way.



Thanks to your help, we donated 18,186 diapers to St. Martin’s Barn. While so many people donated with money, diapers, wipes, rash cream and support – a few people deserve a specific shout out:

{Sam} I married him for a reason – he blindly follows me with my big ideas and never asks questions. In fact, he always encourages me to take things one step further! I knew he had my back because he believed in the cause and in my vision (though hazy at times).

{Sandi} My proofreader, graphic designer and brainstorming. Also, conveniently, my momma!

{Mike} My lucky charm father! Not only did he win the company 50/50 raffle, he donated his half to the cause. Plus he manned the loading and unloading of diapers. Logistics are kind of his thine.

{Choptank Transport Community Involvement Team} It was my first year with a corporate supporter, and Choptank blew it out of the water! I couldn’t have managed all these diapers without their space as well. Special thanks to Harriet, Roxanne, Verna, Hailee, Lauren, Nicole, Dana and Lauren.


{Tri Gas & Oil} Another great company who jumped in to help collect diapers.

{Preston Ford} Not only did Preston Ford gracious donate a check, they also supplied a van to help transport diapers to St. Martin’s Barn. Mr. Ayers wasn’t just a driver, he was a loader and unloader as well.


{Andy Pandy and Cutie} Ask and you shall receive. These diaper companies sent me large quantities of diapers because they believe that babies should have dry tushies.

And you! Everyone who supported me and the 12 4 1 Diaper Drive. My heart is full and tushies are dry.

Same time next year? See you then!


1183 Days

Hey you guys? 

We have 14,200 diapers. FOURTEEN THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED diapers. To put in perspective, if we were supporting 1 baby, these diapers would last for 1183 days or until he is 3 years old. So basically, that’s enough to keep one kid in diapers until he is potty trained.

I am literally stumbling trying to find words. A few weeks ago I was having a hard time imagining that the goal of 10,000 diapers would happen but we saw that goal and kept on moving.

There is still one week before we drop these diapers to St. Martin’s Barn, so there is more time to donate. And really until diapers are considered necessary and provided by safety net organizations, our job is not done. But for now, we have done something HUGE.

Thank you for donating, thank you for your support, thank you for sharing updates, links, articles and suggestions. Thank you for seeing the need, thank you for standing up for the cause online.

Thank you. 14200

The Unofficial Count

A lot of people are on pins and needles asking for a diaper count and since we are in the last two days – I thought I would indulge. Can I get a drum roll ‘pees’ (as Mike says)?

Diaper early total


But wait! There is one more day left. Think we can get it to 14,000? I do!

The quickest option is to send an Amazon gift card to [email protected]. Or use your credit card at GoFundMe.

I honestly am speechless. Stay tuned!

One Week Left

There is one week left to make a difference in a babies health and well-being. I don’t have an accurate count yet, but I know I am really, really close. Whether I have 35 diapers (I personally have tossed into the donation bin) or 10,000 diapers I know we’ve made a difference.

A lot of conversations have been had, diapers donated, dollar bills deposited and personal stories shared. Let’s keep the momentum going for the last few days shall we?


Want me to do the heavy lifting?

With thanks


Still Time to Help!

With just over a week left to hit the goal of 10,000 diapers left there are still lots of ways to donate.  Don’t forget our Go Fund Me page!

Oh, and if you are spreading the word on social media, don’t forget to use the hashtag #1241diapers







Half Way There

Everyone is asking for an update, and friends we are half way there! Though I am feeling ‘glass half empty’ tonight, I know tomorrow I will feel ‘glass overflowing’. You still have until August 8th to help me reach my goal of 10,000 diapers to support St. Martin’s Ministries. Every penny helps and every diaper donated is one less a momma has to worry about. We can do it. Donate via Go Fund Me
