How far along? 21 weeks tomorrow
Size of baby: A paper airplane
Total weight gain/measurements: I think I am up about 8 pounds.
Sleep: I toss a bit, I turn a bit, I sweat like I just stole a car …
Best moment this week: Having a great anatomy scan at my high-risk doctor. She is growing like a champ and even breathing on her own smarty pants!
Also, we went to Monster Truck Jam and girl LOVED it. I think. I took her busy movements as love for the noise and vibration.
Miss anything? A bunch of stuff. I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, which is a first for me. I am working on accepting this and getting as much information and assistance as I can to make sure we are both healthy for the next few months. So I miss not having something else to worry about.
Food cravings: Actually, nothing really. I am still eating a lot of cheese.
Symptoms: Tired, sweaty, obviously more emotional.