Dear Michael A –

I know I say this every month, but wow! You had quite a busy month! You are growing at the speed of light, your last appointment clocked you at 17lbs, 6oz.  You have rolled over a handful of times, but aren’t very interested in doing it regularly. I think it’s because you are more interested in getting some place quickly and rolling isn’t cutting it. You are doing well with trying to sit up – you ‘tripod’ and love it.


I call you my ‘Whatever Baby’, which describes you perfectly right now. Oh, we are going for a walk? Whatever. Oh, we are going to sit here and work? Whatever. Time for a bath? Whatever. I love your go-with-the-flow attitude and how adaptive you are. I hope it stays that way!

You started daycare this month 2 days a week with Miss Gita, who lives down the street. Momma and Daddy were a little nervous leaving you, but you seem to LOVE it! And it is obvious you love her and the 5 other kids there. She has confirmed what we already know – you are smiley, happy and deeply interested in the world around you. Something else I hope that stays with you!

Food, glorious food! You have started semi-solid foods and are just now, 3 weeks in, getting the hang out of it. Before you were pushing it out and not very happy with the delayed gratification. Now you are devouring everything from peas to peaches to butternut squash. You seem very happy to be sitting in your highchair at the table when Momma and Daddy are eating and discussing our days. We want to make that the norm for you – a sit down dinner.


You were pretty sick this month kiddo. You were coughing, sneezing and generally pissed off at the world. After a trip to the doctor, we found out you had Respiratory Syncytial Virus, which was not the end of the world, but still made us feel terrible for you. You spent a lot of time reading books with Momma in a steamy shower and finding snuggles. You still have a bit of a cough, but nothing as mean as what you had before. It was no surprise you smiled through the sniffles.


Remember how you hated the bath? Well we turned a corner! Now you and Daddy get in the bubble bath together and have the best time. Momma sometimes sits on the edge and plays with squirt toys that you find to be the funniest thing EVER.


You had your first playdate with 2 little girls from church. Vin who is about 3 months and Sarah who is 10 weeks. You were the oldest for the first time! You were very interested in watching them. I am sure you will be seeing more of them since they go to our church.

You are still very interested in music, much to our excitement! You have also discovered the iPad and enjoy the books Daddy reads to you at night. Momma’s favorites are the Llama Llama books and you laugh when I laugh.


For your first Halloween, you were a cow, and Charlie was a rodeo bull (or something). You didn’t have much interest in the holiday, but it was fun dressing you up and knocking on our neighbor’s door. We saved your Snickers for when you get older. Ha!


Well my love, you are in your crib stirring since it’s almost time to get up. This has been an amazing month and you make each day a true adventure. I am stealing snuggles and kisses when I can. Next month is going to be a little more crazy, but I know my Whatever Baby can handle it.

If I loved you anymore, my heart would explode in a glittery mess,

Momma xo