In just one short day we will be officially launching the 4th Annual 12 For 1 Diaper Drive! I can’t believe it’s been 4 years and 30,000 diapers since this whole concept started. The good news is in those 4 years there has been an interest in the diaper gap thanks to Obama addressing this as well as celebs such as Kerry Washington and Jen Garner taking it up as one of their causes. But even cooler is how the 12 For 1 has collected about 30,000 diapers to help close the diaper gap on Delmarva.
Since we relieve a lot of our donations through monetary donations (donate here) I work very hard to stretch those dollars into the most amount of diapers for the least amount of money. I have been so surprised with where I find diapers! Whether you are trying to stretch your dollar for your family or to donate to needy families, here are some places to look for cheap diapers:
{Consignment Shop or Thrift Store} Our local consignment shop takes closed diaper packs and sells them for a fraction of the price and I have picked up open diaper packs at our local Goodwill. It’s obviously a crap shoot if they have any, but next time you are browsing the used books or baby clothes ask if they have any diapers!
{Marshalls/TJMaxx} Last year I hit the jackpot at Marshalls. It seems like Marshalls regularly carries Naty and Seventh Generation brand diapers.
{Zulily} Are you a member of Zulily yet? I love their deals, and they are known to have ‘shops’ for Naty and Huggies diapers. The key is to sign up for alerts and make your purchase quick – they go super fast!
{ANY Sale Shelf} I often wonder how frequently diaper companies change their branding because when they make a small change, the current product has to go on discount. I’ve found diapers on sale shelves in grocery stores, big box stores (hello Walmart!) and kid specific stores like Toys R Us.
{Facebook Marketplace} When I did a quick check of the Facebook Marketplace (which is an aggregate of all the yard sale groups you belong to) and within a 19 mile radius of my suburban home there are OVER 30 listings for diapers. If the thrill of the hunt is your thing, start there.
{Amazon Warehouse} Amazon is a given when it comes to buying diapers (and books and fire extinguishers and dog food and lemonade and …). But did you know you can buy open boxes of diapers for a discount? Just search in the Amazon Warehouse. No one who needs diapers cares if the box is a little banged up.
So now that you have some new diaper shopping tips, why don’t you pick up a few packs (open or otherwise) for the 12 For 1 Diaper Drive? Here’s how you can donate.