Tag: couch to 5k

First 5K

Running? There is nowhere I need to be that quickly.


If I am running, you better run too because something is chasing me.


I am too overweight to run.


I’ll run, run to Dunkin Donuts real quick in my car.


What do you THINK about when you run? It seems so boring.


“Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your longing behind
You can’t carry it with you if you want to survive … “


You never know when you might want to try something that at one time seemed so ridiculous. Thanks for hosting my first virtual 5K Fit, Fab and Lean!

Run Run Run

I’ve spent a bit of time wondering if I should mention my new ‘thing’ because I feel like I have always started a new ‘thing’, gave it 110%, then forgotten about it a month later. Sewing reusable gift bags, Jazzercise class and tap dancing come to mind. As Awolnation say, ‘blame it on my ADD baby.’ But there are tidbits I want to share with you all, so I will share my current ‘thing’ – Couch to 5K training.

Last week I woke up and, literally twice, the first thing I thought about running. If you know me in real life, you know how I am not the running type. Or the fast moving type. Or the sweaty type. When someone would mention running I would respond by saying there is nowhere I need to be that quickly. But last week – something shifted. And it wasn’t in an ‘I need to lose weight’, or ‘I want to BE a runner’. It was just a ‘go run’.

I did some research and downloaded the Get Running app and on Thursday did my first ‘run’. It was hard. Real hard. Out of the 8 run sessions, I did 6. Saturday I had some fancy running clothes on and magically did all 8 sessions. It wasn’t fast and certainly wasn’t pretty. I had a repeat last night with the same results. It was still hard, but I didn’t talk myself out of doing it or try shortcuts. I just … did it.

I am not saying much about it on social media because I don’t necessarily need to motivating comments. Which sounds horrible. I do need them, I want them, but I don’t want to make this a big deal or be held accountable.

I don’t know if I am going to do the whole program, or even run a 5K. All I know is tomorrow morning I am going to get up and do the next session. Then we will see about the following session. It’s cool to see what a big scary goal can be reduced to when it is made into a one day at a time goal. It makes it so much less scary. I haven’t been very good at that in the past.

One of the most fun parts of my half hour sessions is my playlist. Music is such a part of my everyday life, so having a solid playlist is critical to running. Here’s what I am listening to right now – it’s equal parts upbeat AND promoting girl power.  What’s on your workout playlist? 
