Tag: tired

Hello, It’s Me

Hello, it’s me.

If I am being honest I think about blogging and Muddling Momma every day. Mostly on my way to work, or on the way home from work and in the shower. But I haven’t posted in ages. I think the main reason is I am not sure what I want this blog to be. I originally started here as a way to share my infertility journey. That morphed (thankfully) into life as a pregnant person. Then into life of a new mom. And most recently, life as a mom in general. I am obviously still a mom, but I am not sure I want to share every detail of my son’s life. I carefully curated a lot of stuff on this blog with him in mind. Who knows what kids will be doing in 10 years when he is 14, perhaps blogging will be a thing of a past, but I don’t want his high school baseball/math club/DnD club/band members stumbling on this and finding out he pooped in the bathtub (he didn’t, FYI). I share enough of the funny stuff on Facebook.

But I am not ready to give up the idea of blogging. I am hoping to have another baby soon. I started working again full time in an executive level position, I am preparing to travel for the first time since Mike was born. I am stumbling on cool products for him, me, and families in general. We are exploring Maryland and I want to share that.

But let’s face it. I’m tired. Parents get that. So I might not post daily, weekly – hopefully monthly. But I am excited to produce new content that is useful. Stay tuned, and thanks for hanging in with me through this season of life.

Not a Morning Person

The scene: Mike’s room with the lights on, like every morning. Mike is curled in the corner of his bed looking snug as a bug in a rug.


Mom: Mikey, let’s get moving kiddo.


Mikey: NO. No movin’


Mom starts to walk out


Mikey: NO, NO, NO! Mommy wait!


Mom turns around<


Mom: Ready to get up?


Mikey: No. Milk


Mom: Okay, let’s have milk in Mommy’s room


Mikey: No. Milk here.


Mom: No bug. Mom’s room.




Mom walks out again




Mom: Ready?


Mikey: No. Lights off. Lights off PLEASE!!!


Mom: Okay kid. Get your ass up. This is getting ridiculous.


Okay, not really. But close.


-So, good morning, good morningSunbeams will soon smile throughGood morning, my darling, to you.-