Oh friends. Do you ever have one of those mornings where feel like it should be bed time by 9AM? That was my morning. Here’s how it went down in the W home this morning:
1AM – I suddenly find myself wide awake for no good reason. While staring at the ceiling, I realize I am hearing a helicopter. We are in the flight path for a major airport, so airplanes are so common I don’t even register the noise anymore, but a helicopter is another story. I peek out the window and sure enough – slowly circling our area. I do a little research, since I am wide awake, on Twitter and the local news and I don’t see anything of note. Hey Fairfax County? I just signed up for your new alert system and marked about 45 things I want to be alerted about. Perhaps you should have an option to get a text or email if there is a homicidal manic running around my community.

5:45AM – I wake up to spend some time chatting with S. before he leaves for work. The minute he leaves, Mike starts to stir. MUCH earlier than usual. I take a quick shower and get dressed.

6:15AM – I get Mike up and dressed
6:30AM – I make Mike a bottle of milk, put it on the stove and while my back is turned he pulls it down and it is perfectly times to get milk on both of us head to toe. We both strip down and he finishes his milk while I try to find something else to wear. This would be easier if I had done my ‘special wash’ last night like I intended. Oh, and if it wasn’t 97% humidity today.

7:00AM – We are ready to face the day! Mike and I take Charlie out for a walk, which is usually a fun and relaxing time. Again, the 97% humidity doesn’t make this morning much fun. Half way on our walk, we run into a neighbor and his dog Bacon (uh, huh). Apparently the dogs have met before and are nice to each other, but Bacon is high energy and is clearly in the mood to play. Charlie is friendly until he is ‘over it’ and I was worried about how all this energy would go with Mike standing next to me. Bacon’s Dad is chatting my ear off and then Charlie walks around Mike and knocks him over. Nothing terrible, but enough for him to burst into hysterical tears while the dogs are barking at each other and Bacon’s Dad continues his story about … something. I can’t even focus because I am waiting for my conversational ‘out’ while trying to get the point across that he needs to MOVE ALONG. It is easier to manage his one dog versus me trying to corral my circus. We finally move along. #awkward

7:20AM – We get Charlie his Kong so we can slip out without the typical beagle drama. We didn’t get far before I was sweating everywhere and Charlie was howling.
7:30AM – Quick stop for gas.
7:35AM – Quick stop at the ATM.
7:45AM – A crow flies into my drivers side window. Yep. A crow. I saw it coming, but I assumed it would swoop up. Apparently not. That’s not like a bad omen or anything right?

7:47AM – I drop Mike off at daycare. He seemed in a good mood since we spent the morning talking about his friends and the fun stuff he will do (which seems to help with drop off). He walks up the driveway with purpose, marches down the sidewalk, crawls up the steps like he’s been doing it all his life and then they open the front door. My little guy quickly turns around like, ‘that was fun, let’s go Ma’. I turned him around in time to see the waterworks start. Being a working momma isn’t always fun.
7:55AM – Yay! Momma time. My 40 minute commute means loud music or my Mike O’Meara Show podcast. Then I saw the big board telling me my 8 mile trip down 66E to the Beltway will take me 27 minutes. Insert Napoleon Dynamite ‘uggggh’.

8:45AM – Arrived safely to work but feel like I’ve been awake for twice as long as I actually have.
It can only go up from here right?

Oh hey! There is still time to comment on my Bloomers bra fitting review post to win a BraMaid!