Category: Pop Culture

There’s a Bad Moon on the Right

Before I launch into my latest musings, I apologize for the long absence. It’s not like I am busy or anything! The DC metro area is in the middle of a killer heatwave and I am spending my time sweating in a dark room (keep the curtains closed!) eating take out (it’s too hot to turn on the stove!) with a fussy baby (no excuse for this one).

The other day I was rocking with my fussy baby and trying to conjure up a nursery rhyme or lullaby – and I couldn’t think of even one. Wait. I am lying. I know one verse of All the Pretty Little Horses. Since I am scared to death of horses, that song is a no go. Why don’t I know any of these songs? I had (and still do have) a cool mom. She was a younger mom and while other moms played kid friendly songs, I was rocking out to Madonna and Michael Jackson. I wouldn’t know a nursery rhyme if Mother Goose asked me herself.

Mikey does like the sound of my singing (he is the only one, which I totes understand), so I tried to sing a couple songs I knew and I couldn’t get through the first verse of any of my favorites – I couldn’t remember the lyrics! I blame my Catholic upbringing for this one. Like any good Catholic, I can recite the whole Mass in my sleep, as long as someone is reciting it with me. Left to my own devices I am lost. I can sing any Jay Z song – as long as I am singing with the radio.  Plus, Jay Z might not be appropriate for Mike in a few months. I can imagine his first word being ‘hustling’ and having to explain that one to our friends.

I am forever grateful for Pandora’s Rockabye Baby station – hit songs (why should I suffer?) set to classical music. I set it, sit and rock and sing along to the parts I do know. Which is funny when a Jammy Jam comes on like Summertime by Will Smith.

Some of Mike’s favorites? Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Three Birds by Bob Marley, Always Midnight by Pat Monahan and Mine by Taylor Swift. He’s got eclectic musical tastes already!

What do you sing your little one?

Cut the Crap


I have a little time on my hands this morning, so I hop over to Facebook for a little catch up with my friends (who am I kidding, I’m on Facebook more often than not. Just. Like. You.).  Among the important status updates, I notice this one from one of my favorite blogs, Celebitchy:

Are you FREAKING kidding me? I mean honestly. You laughed? Labor was fun? There is a special place in hell for people like you. Here’s why:

  • I am calling bullshit. I’ve never delivered a baby, but I am pretty sure it’s not fun and doesn’t involve laughing.  And trust me, I’ve heard LOTS of birth stories – some good, some bad (all I never asked to hear), but never laughing. Never.
  • Why say things like this? It makes women who hated child birth and had a terrible experience feel terribly inadequate. Each birth is unique. Don’t make us feel bad.
  • You named your baby Rainbow Aurora. If I roll my eyes any harder they will stay that way.

Sex & The City & Needles

Yesterday I had to cancel an important meeting because I have to wait by the door for the FedEx man delivering my injections. Normally it would be no big deal for them to drop it at our apartment’s leasing office, but I am terrified I won’t get them in time, into the refrigerator in time and ruin this whole process, ultimately depleting our savings and ruining our life. File this under over obsessing, I am 100% aware.

I am also freaking out a little bit about doing the injections. Thankfully it’s only once (I think) in my stomach fat, which shouldn’t be hard to find. S. and I are going to a class on Sunday about how to do this, but frankly, I can’t do it to myself. First of all, no one wants to cause themselves pain. In elementary school I had one of those plates on the roof of my mouth that pushed my teeth out (to make room for braces). It required turning a key daily and I had a hard time with it. S. is going to have to do the stabbing and I know he won’t want to. Then again, if I get all ‘Clomid Monster’ on him, he might enjoy a little temporary pain.  I was really hoping to avoid injections.

A cardboard baby. Who does that? Oh, a future ex-husband. Thats who.

I was thinking last night about the whole injection process and it occurred to me – I forgot the most important show of infertility on a TV show – Charlotte on Sex in the City! I am ashamed I forgot it. Charlotte was by far my favorite, and had her share of infertility issues. Her first husband, Trey, decided, when Charlotte became obsessed with getting pregnant (even though the doctor said their chances are slim), he wasn’t ready for babies. Trey’s mother made it very clear, in her own elite way, an adoption was not an option for the couple. OH! And the best part, possibly the best scene from all the SATC episodes … Trey brought Charlotte a cardboard baby. A FREAKING CARDBOARD BABY! If S. did anything like that, he wouldn’t be around to tell the story.

To add to the emotional turmoil, Miranda, Charlotte’s best friend, finds herself pregnant by accident and viewers see how Charlotte finds it hard to handle, especially when Miranda discusses terminating the pregnancy.

Harry, the 2nd husband (a loveable bald Jew) comes into the picture (and shortly leaves) and they try for babies and have a miscarriage. Towards the end of the story line, Harry and Charlotte adopt a beautiful baby from China.  Oh, and if we fast forward to the SATC movie … Charlotte gets pregnant.

So, it’s clear, everything works out perfectly in the end.

Kids I Would Not Want

I’ve read a lot about couples dealing with infertility who are just desperate for a kid – ANY kid. Well, we are not there yet, but I can promise you, there are quite a few kids we would not jump at the chance to parent. Mainly from movies. Here’s our short list, I’ll think you’ll agree:

Damien, The Omen: I mean really. That one goes without saying. First of all, he is beyond creepy with the milky white skin and dark dark hair, but what can you expect from Satan’s son? The lesson? When a priest warns you that your kid is possibly the antichrist, listen.

Rhoda, The Bad Seed: One of my all time favorite movies! Rhoda was sugary sweet (enough to make me want to not like her, it actually creeps me out) until …. a kid dies at a school picnic and Rhoda shows up with the kid’s penmanship medal. Every parent SAYS they want to perfect, polite, loving child …

Henry, The Good Son: Along the sames lines of Pollyanna, a bad kid everyone sees as good. However, this little darling throws a dummy off an overpass, kills the neighbor’s dog and alludes to killing his brother (who ‘drowned’). Not a kid I would snatch up and take home to snug-a-bug with.

Sid, Toy Story: The mean bully next door not only steals toys, but he tortures them and turns them into monsters. Doesn’t that usually indicate a future sociopath? Or perhaps just ‘boys being boys’.

Cole, The Sixth Sense: I love this movie, but I can’t help but be a little creeped out by this overly mature, sad boy – aside from the fact he sees dead people.

TV and Infertility

There is a lot of buzz in the blog world about television shows attempting to fictionalize infertility. I’ve seen lots of negative comments – not showing the emotion behind it, the financial distress, pressure on the marriage, the time it takes …. well duh. Why would anyone want to watch that? My journey is not funny (most the time) or worthy of an hour during prime time. Nor do I look to television to confirm I’m normal and my situation is normal. It’s entertainment, and I can appreciate that.

Here are some shows I discovered that have a story line relevant to infertility. I am sure there are more, but these are the ones I watch (I hear Grey’s Anatomy had a good story line going).

Parenthood – Julia Braverman struggles with secondary infertility and in this season, takes in a foster kid. She also was thisclose to adopting from the coffee cart teenager at work, but that fell through in the hospital.  This is really the first show I sobbed with while Julia was going through everything.

Friends – Monica and Chandler struggle to get pregnant, find out they are both dealing with fertility challenges, and end up adopting twins. She also learned she won’t have biological children after watching Rachel have an unplanned pregnancy.

How I Met Your Mother – After struggling with not getting pregnant, they find out Marshall is infertile – a great plot twist, there isn’t much discussion around male infertility. Also, Robin learned that she won’t be able to have biological kids, and even though that was never part of her life plan, it was heartbreaking for her to learn she didn’t have the ability to change her mind.

Rules of Engagement – Audrey and Jeff  explore IVF and  have a surrogate. PS – I find this show insufferable sometimes. Even the infertility end of it is dragging on and Jeff is a moron. I can’t even tell you more about the storyline since I barely watch the show.

Brothers & Sisters – I miss this show so much. Kitty started doing infertility treatments, which were unsuccessful and ultimately adopted a baby. This show is all about baby making! The gay couple adopted an older foster kid, though he donated sperm to his brother who was infertile. If you think this soap opera-esque is hard to follow, just watch the show on Netflix. You will be hooked.

Welcome to the Club

I am going to let you in on a little secret if you promise not to get all Judgy McJudgerson on me. I watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians and I think they are all bat crap crazy. Except, maybe, Khloe. Sure she married Lamar Odem after knowing him for a few weeks, but it lasted way longer than her sister Kim, so there’s that. AND she was on the cover of People Magazine recently pulling the plug on her reality show Khloe and Lamar to focus on her marriage. I’ve noticed the past two years of KUWTK she has made it very obvious she thinks her family is cra-cra, and for that she is my favorite Kardashian.

So, now that I have that off my chest, word on the street is Khloe and Lamar are seeking infertility treatments! It’s been speculated for awhile, but never confirmed. And. I. Love. It. I don’t love that she can’t have a baby, but I do love that she is being open and honest about it. Celebs are just like us, remember? So many pop out twins (surprise!) after their 40th birthday because they ‘relaxed’ – not pointing fingers Shmenifer Mopez (again, could be wrong, but if I am not, what is the big deal?).

Here’s what US Weekly said:

“They really want to have a baby and are trying everything,” an insider confided last month. “Now that they’re back home in L.A., they can work on that more. Privately.”

Kardashian has long been vocal about her desire to start a family with Odom, whom she wed after a quickie, one-month engagement in 2009.

“It’s so hard. I never knew about ovulation and the limited amount of time you have to get pregnant . . . No one ever taught me that,” she shared during a Today show appearance last fall. “We would love to have kids. But when you have schedules such as ours, it’s really hard to hit that mark.

Continued the E! star, “So it’s frustrating, but definitely. I want to have kids.”

Khloe Kardashian So best wishes Khloe! Ha, I went to add a picture of Khloe and this was the first one that came up. Had to use it, she IS on reality TV.

Celebrities, They’re Just Like Us!

I admit it,  I love me some People Magazine, Us Weekly and Celebitchy.  You know, celebrities are just like us! They grocery shop (with unlimited budgets), they pick up dog poop (with scented bags no doubt) and get pregnant …. or DO they?

With the new What to Expect movie coming out (S. and I are going to see it next weekend), there is a lot of buzz about motherhood and the different routes to get there. I love hearing celebrities come forward and share their stories about how they grew their family. I am not one to point fingers and be all judgey (well, I am all judgey, but I never point fingers), but some celebrities might not be telling the truth and I find that annoying. One such famous lady had twins. At 40. After ‘years of trying’ and only after she heard the (groundbreaking) advice to ‘relax’.  Now, yeah, it could have happened that way, but I find it so hard to believe. Anywayyyyyy …..

Here are some of my favorite celebs who grew their family by taking the long road:

  • Brooke Shields
  • Sarah Jessica Parker
  • Dixie Chick’s Martie Maguire and Emily Robison
  • Hugh Jackman
  • Courtney Cox (who broke my heart when she said, ‘I don’t have a hard time getting pregnant, I have a hard time keeping them’)
  • Mariah Carey
  • Jane Seymour
  • Sherri Shepard

So celebs … they are just like me.

Bravo Brings the Cra-Cra


Just when I thought TLC cornered the market on crazy, I turned on Bravo this morning and was introduced to Pregnant in Heels. I’ve witnessed salon takeovers, culinary disasters and over plumped housewives, but this was a whole new ballgame.


Basically (if you want to pretend you are too good for Bravo and haven’t seen PIH), the show features Rosie Pope who is a professional maternity baby expert (and no, I am not sure how she got this title) as she helps NYC’s elite Mommies through pregnancy. She is adorable and friendly, seemingly down to earth.  I think this is would be an awesome job, and hey, if you can afford a baby concierge, why the heck not.

The episode this morning featured 2 women – one was anxious about being a mom because her’s died when she was young and didn’t really have a mommy figure. Super sweet story line, I am sure many women could relate. UNTIL (always an ‘until’ in true Bravo fashion) she wanted to surprise her huband by taking a nude picture on her much adored horse with her baby. Not just any picture mind you, an oil painting. That would be ‘revealed’ to her husband. In a gallery. In front of their friends. Welcome to Crazytown folks. The fact that this was crazy was confirmed by the look her on her friend’s faces when they caught of a glimpse of her oil paint boobs.

The 2nd Mommy-to-be was in complete denial because she hates all things medical. Breastfeeding didn’t seem natural, she is terrified of needles, and doulas seems stupid. Which is why, when Rosie brought a doula in for a visit to help her learn to breathing techniques during shots, Mommy said it didn’t seem natural. She has a point. Breathing is not natrual. Not at all. 

Look. I get terrified, sweaty and heart pumping freaked out around horses. But if they are the only way to get to my future baby, I will suck it up and immediately  turn into John Effing Wayne. This woman was just bananas. Ultimately in the end she was ‘fine’ during labor and breastfed for the first few months.


I am pretty sure I am going to watch this show on the regular. I like Rosie and how she interacts with her clients who are bat crap crazy.


Preach it Tori!

I have loved Tori Amos every since she wrote ‘Jackie’s Strength‘. Yes as a 29 year old I recognize now it is about Jackie Onassis, but as an angsty teen I was SURE it was about me. Anyway … I came across this quote from her and it hit home today as so many people are announcing their pregnancy and showing pictures of their newborns. I am happy for them, and appropriately sad for me. Today of course. Tomorrow may be different.

The anger lies in each of us; it just depends on how you deal with it. You have to dive into your own psyche, to find out who lives there. Most of the time, the monster that hides inside you, is the one you let loose on others. I’m not afraid of sadness. Yet even when you cry, until you can’t cry anymore, you get to the point where you decide, for example, that you want to play with a drummer. Sadness lets you wear stilettos, sadness lets you dance in the moonlight. She just has dark rims around her eyes.

Congrats Snooki. Or “I am Still Not Pregnant”

Even if you’ve never seen Jersey Shore, which I have not (trust me, I have many, MANY other guilty pleasures), you know who Snooki is. I imagine the show features her like any other MTV reality star – drunk, hooking up and actin’ a fool.  And now I give her my congratulations – pregnant and engaged!

I can’t help but feel a moment of fury. I am eating better, seldom drink, hit the sack before midnight, sleep with just my husband and have a relatively calm life. And I am not pregnant. Not even ovulating. When will it be my turn? I am sure many women dealing with infertility have this same feeling.