Dear Mols,
You are suddenly six! How on earth did that happen my sweet girl? Also, and likely related, you shot up about 6 inches overnight. You seem to have gotten your daddy’s long legs. You know what long legs are good for? Running and playing which you excelled at this year – dance, t-ball, soccer – you tried them all!
We had our First Annual Lovely Ladies Who Lunch day and it was by far one of my favorite memories of you at five. We went to Build a Bear where you chose a unicorn (duh) and promptly named her ‘Snow’. We then walked over to the Cheesecake Factory where I required you to eat exactly 3 bites of lunch before ordering a sundae. That’s what lovely ladies do! I enjoyed your company so much and spending one on one time with you. We chatted about all sorts of fun things. I can’t wait for the Second Annual Lovely Ladies Who Lunch.
You have quite a fashion sense Mollie and I admire you faux fur vests, ‘twirly’ dresses and gladiator sandals. You were a bit disappointed when I didn’t buy a ‘concert outfit’ after seeing me try it on and I will admit, I do regret not taking your advice.
You are oh so silly and you love to play along. Mike adores you and considers you his best friend. The stories from your sleepovers are Grandma and Grandpa’s house remind me of spending time with my cousin growing up! I hope that never changes.
Miss Mollie, you are so smart and so friendly and such a great kid. I love you bunches and can’t wait to see what 6 brings. I am guessing more of the same, which is a good thing!
Aunt Jay Jay