Mike Mike –
When did you become a 6 month old? You went from sleep, poop, eat, snuggle, sleep, poop, eat, snuggle to a bouncing, solid food eating, laughing, Baby Einstein watching, teething kid. I laid in bed with you this morning and told you how much I loved you and how waking up to you every day is a lot like Christmas morning – having me excited about what new, fun thing would we have to see or do. You promptly yawned in my face.
I have a feeling this post will take a few days to write since you refused to nap on your 6 month birthday, things are busy at work and you are keeping me busy in the evenings. At some point I have to sleep right? You don’t seem to agree. You fall asleep around 8PM, then wake up at either midnight or 4AM for a small bottle and a snuggle. I don’t mind so much, because I sit in our rocking chair snuggling you and catch up on ‘our’ favorite podcast, the Mike O’Meara Show. He had a baby a month after you were born and it’s fun to hear his stories and think back to those experiences. I would say for the most part, I don’t get frustrated when you are up at night. Sure, I am tired, but it isn’t forever and I will miss the weight of a baby, MY baby, in my arms. It’s our time.
You had your 6 month check up and Miss Joanna confirmed what we already know – you are perfect! 28 inches long and almost 20 pounds. That would explain why you are in 9 month clothes already. I wonder if this indicates a future line backer or a point guard?
Here’s how your month went:
You are obsessed with electronics already. You want anything with a battery in your hands or in your mouth and when it doesn’t happen immediately, you let the world know you are NOT happy. We can be snuggling in bed and suddenly you get my iPad in your line of vision and you don’t stop reaching. Perhaps because we FaceTime with Bubbe, Grandma and Grandpa and play games on it. But also the remote, our laptops, our phones … I can only imagine what technology will be when you are a teenager. Your dad and I are excited to say, ‘back when I was your age …’

Your first Thanksgiving! You were a champ, through all the pictures, food, family and excitement, you were your typical chill self. Of course you were seated between Daddy and Uncle David during the meal and you promptly poured applesauce in your lap while no one was watching. You were quite tickled with yourself!

Your First Hanukkah! Hanukkah was early this year, so it overlapped with Thanksgiving. Bubbe and Great Aunt Phyllis came to see you the weekend before for a lunch and you loved the attention. Daddy and I picked out a bouncy toy for you to sit in and it is by far your favorite past time. Bubbe got you some books, and Aunt Phyllis got you a cool push toy that makes noise. You will really enjoy that when you are trying to walk.

We were really excited to get our Christmas tree up this year. I really love the lights and the glow and I was certain you would too – I was right! You will be doing something else then suddenly remember it’s there and just stare at it before going about your business. I am sure next year will be a challenge when you are a little more mobile.

You met Santa Clause: And you weren’t scared! Our community hosted a holiday event and we took you and Charlie to see Santa. You were curious, but ultimately unfazed. Charlie, freaked out for the first time since we’ve had him. I’m so proud of you considering you are probably at the age where strangers make you nervous. Especially strangers with lots and lots of facial hair.

The biggest challenge this month were your teeth. Or ‘toofers’ as I like to call them. You have 2 pretty white teeth coming in on the bottom and they are NOT making you happy. You are chewing on everything – wood, plastic, hands, everything. We’ve gotten you lots of different things to chew on and I think it’s helping, but it is no fun to see you unhappy.

The good news about the holiday season is spending lots of time with your cousin Mollie. She loves to crawl circles around you and you love just watching her. It won’t be long before you guys are splashing around int he pool and riding bikes together.

Well sweetie, as I predicted, this post took me 4 days to finish. But that’s okay because you’ve kept me busy and happy. You amaze me everyday.
I’ll eat you up, I love you so,