Some of the DC Ladies Blogtober prompts have been hard, but today’s prompt is SUPER easy. My favorite fall memory! I have a few …
{Leaf Towns} I was really really lucky to have a rather big yard growing up and friends in the neighborhood. I remember when the leaves would fall and instead of raking them up immediately, my Dad would take the lawnmower and drive around creating a ‘road’ for our bikes. My best friend Katie, her little sister Jessie and my brother David would spend hours ‘driving’ to various ‘shops’ and ‘houses’. It was so much fun to imagine being a grown up driving and making decisions.
{Camping} I am sure I will blog about my family’s adventures in our pop-up camper when I was growing up, but for now just know I loved fall camping. The weather was nicer, sleeping was cozier and since we always went somewhere with trees, it was prettier.
{Married} Of course I had a fall wedding! I sweat ya’ll. I don’t need sweaty spring or summer photos commemorating my wedding day.
{The Two Week Wait} One of my favorite memories of all time was finding out I was pregnant with Mike. It was also during S’s and my momma’s birthday (the same day!) so we spent those two weeks celebrating and not trying to think about what might (or might not) be happening to my body. PS – I was pregnant!