This is probably going to be a sappy post and I could make lots of excuses why I am being sappy – including a baby who won’t sleep through the night or a long weekend traveling, but it really comes down to the fact I am so overwhelmed, overjoyed and any other ‘over’ word you can think of.

I’ve been kinda hush hush on the total amount of diapers for my diaper drive because they just kept coming in right and left to different locations and I couldn’t keep up with them. Today was delivery day and I did a total count.

With your help, I collected 8053 diapers from size preemie to 5, 7968 baby wipes and 42 tubes of diaper rash cream.

That. Is. Amazing. 

I wish everyone who donated, either in diapers, money, time, good thoughts, or Facebook shout outs could have been there with me today when we went to St. Martin’s Ministries in Ridgely, Maryland. To feel the outpouring of gratitude and hear the stories of who these diapers will help – well that’s a feeling that I can’t put into words and won’t soon forget. Sister Patricia told me that she just had someone they serve ask her for size 5 diapers and she had to tell her the truth – they didn’t have any. Also, she told me, that when they get a box of diapers, they have to open it up to divide the contents to hand out to a few families. With our donation she can hand out boxes.

For those of us who are parents, we know how important diapers are and what a relief it is to know we can fulfill a simple (and expensive) need. We (I say ‘we’ because I donated 100. YOU donated much more) donated enough diapers for 671 days. My goal of 3100 diapers was doubled, then passed.

I’ve done some pretty cool things in my life, but this experience has been one of the most rewarding and inspiring. Thank you for not only helping me with this project, but for all those dry tushies. I am forever grateful.


3 Comments on Speechless

  1. You may have only donated 100 but the others wouldn’t have been donated without a drive–which was all your idea and organization! I am so glad that they are already going to be in use! Great job!

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