I feel like since I am unemployed (again) and not really doing much during the day but job hunting, I should be super blogger filling my blog with awesome content that’s been listed on my trusty dry erase board, but alas, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I never force my writing and lately I just have been feeling blah and like I don’t want to force something fun and exciting for blogging purposes. Plus everyone in my house, including visitors, have had that disgusting stomach bug that’s going around. Not only is it gross, but it put us in the hospital early last week since Mike wasn’t keeping anything in, but all sorts of stuff was coming out. He was his usual self, charming and smiley while we got him on an anti-nausea medicine.



I also would have SWORN I wrote Mike’s 10 month letter, but apparently I just thought about it. I’ll just say I was too busy loving on my baby to remember what his month was like.

Did you know it’s Infertility Awareness Week?